What do you expect from Android and IOS in 2019

Mobile app development is growing at a very fast rate. Every year, new trends come and go. Mobile app developers need to stay enlightened about the prevailing and expected trends in order to develop mobile apps that will are beneficial to their users.
Since many apps are created every day, your app needs to stay relevant to the existing trends. Failure to this, you will lose many users as your app will be deemed irrelevant. In order to create an app that will solve people’s needs in 2019, you need to be conversant with the Android and iOS app trends to expect in 2019.
Below are the top 5 mobile app trends to expect come 2019.

1.Machine learning and artificial intelligence:
Al and machine learning have become a big part of both Android and iOS mobile application development. This trend has made it possible for machines to process thoughts like the human brain. Thus understanding human habits and therefore allow for better user engagement.
Recently Apple launched the Core Machine Learning 2 which is a framework for analyzing language text which aids in machine learning.
The rise of machine learning technology in form of chatbots and virtual assistants has also been embraced by several sectors including the health and customer care sector These sectors are using Al technology to increase profitability and enhance proficiency.
In 2019 more improvisation is expected on Al and machine learning to allow for better user engagement and better service delivery.

2.Internet of things (loT) and wearable devices:
Today, operating gadgets has been made easier by a new technology called the Internet of Things. Home Kit an Internet of Things ecosystem that was introduced by Apple has expanded iOS app development. With home Kit apps, you can control your connected home appliances even when you are away from the horn. For instance, you can switch off your cloth washers when you are far from the equipment thanks to loT.
Also, smart wearable devices are an invention of the Internet of Things. So far we have seen many big names like Uber and Zomato embracing wearable devices especially smartwatches in their iOS and Android app development.
This trend is expected to take center stage in 2019 with more wearable devices coming up. Some wearable devices we should expect to see in 2019 should be along the line of fitness wristbands, watches, movement trackers, smart-eyewear just to name a few.
According to a report by Statista, about 75 million devices will be connected to loT by 2020.

3.Augmented reality and virtual reality:
AR and VR are areas that have not been fully explored by app developers. In addition to games, more is expected to be done in 2019 to create VR and AR apps that will influence people lives.
Apple introduced ARKiT 2 which has created a platform for app developers to create more augmented apps. ARKiT together with Scene kit which is another invention by Apple, have enhanced face tracking and 30 detections of objects. This has created a platform for the development of simulation apps.

4. Application security will gain more attention:
Lately, there have been many security challenges, with big companies like Uber, Facebook and Google falling victims of cyber-attacks. And as technology grows, hackers are also evolving very fast. In 2019 we should, therefore, expect to see app security being top of iOS app development and Android app development trends.
Developers are becoming mindful of security threats and will strive to create secure mobile apps to protect user’s personal information against cyber-attacks.
IOS app development, for instance, uses the two-factor authentication to provide additional security to users. We should expect more such security measures for Android apps and iOS apps come 2019.

5.Instant Apps:
Instant apps are another common trend we should expect in 2019. Instant apps allow users to save time and space by using apps directly from the app store without downloading them.
This technology is only available to very few select smart devices. As mobile app developers are looking to provide users with a friendly experience without the bother of installing and uninstalling apps, expect more mobile app development companies to invest in instant apps in 2019.

It is safe to say smartphones are the future and as such many trends in mobile app development are expected in 2019 for both Android and iOS devices. The trends discussed above are some of the mobile apps changes you should expect. These changes will not only shape how people work but also how they socialize and collaborate with each other.

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